Black Peaks

James's game is set in the foothills of the Black Peaks. This region, also called the Steach, used to be the homeland of the Dwarves until it was overrun a century ago by the Dragon Army. Very recently Lord Stefan routed the Dragon Army, but he could not stay to hold the territory. There is now a power vacuum in the region, and as political forces jockey in the background, intrepid adventurers flock to the town of Threshold to win fortune, glory, and power.
- Expedition to the Lost Mine of the Nichtgetan
- Return to the Lost Mine of the Nichtgetan
- The Lost Mine Strikes Back
- The Desecrated Church
- Parley with the White Raven
- Assault on Casa Bargle
- Of mice and no men
- Into Rary's Tower
Members of the Three
- Arn the Dwarven Veteran
- Blackwater the Veteran
- Sir Froderic the Veteran
- Grub the Apprentice
- Kottar the Halfling Veteran
- Maduro the Adept
Kin to Belrain the Sword-Singer
- Clearasil the Smooth, a Veteran-Medium
- Von Floyd the Veteran-Medium
- Threshold, base of operations for the Three
- Flood Control Dam No. 3
- The Lost Mine of the Nichtgetan
- Ohnefrau Vault
- The Shrine of the Oracle
- The Steachwarrens
- The Tower of Rary the Traitor
- Witherwood
Supporting Cast
- Bargle the Warlock
- Belrain the Sword-Singer
- Elizabeth the Augur
- Dwarf-Lord Heimdall
- Cardinal Ludwig
- The Witch-Queen Ninde Nemacil
- The Red Dragon
- Renata the Robber
- Halfling Swordmaster Rosehill
- Lord Stefan
- Tyrfing the Dwarven Hero
Art by Erol Otus, copyright 1980(?). Used without permission on a fair-use basis.
page revision: 38, last edited: 17 Oct 2010 00:23