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Session summary here.
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"Moxie Redknuckle"? Oh! I'd thought it was "Moxie Breadknuckle."
That was a very successful foray. The rock baboons could have been very rough, but the Spikes were a big help and Richard's spells throughout the adventure were class. Bandit ambushes can be rough!
On the major plus, we have a probably useful leather armor to protect Richard more. I know dreaming_phase is slavering to get his hands on a magic weapon, but magic armor is pretty precious. Hopefully we can work something out with getting a weapon into his hands. Zanzibar looks promising!
All three of the combats were downright exhilarating! Well done, Quen.
Regarding the 3 remaining Spikes- or, at least, the 2 NPCs (Anja and Half—-): Are we treating them as retainers going forward? Quen was experimenting with some rule for calculating xp when Anya Darrowkin and Dabbler (and the planar dwarves), but I never got the gist of it. In any case, I'm assuming that they are retainers (full shares, equal risk) and not hirelings (half shares and morale checks).
Well, now it's Moxie Deadknuckle.
By the book in B/X, "retainer" means half shares and morale checks, while "hireling" means experts who don't actually go into the dungeon. (Consistency in terminology between editions isn't a strong point of D&D.) The Spikes actually failed a morale check during the fight with the bandits, but because they were full partners rather than hired men-at-arms, they were merely shaken and distracted rather than running away — much like PCs often are when things go awry in combat.
Added to the session summary.
Awesome adventure as usual. Even if my A-Team characters can't handle it.
And I have to say, that was a great adventure summary as well. I love the character POV. One small question: it says Pritchard Hood was there. Was he invisibly skulking in the background?
Well played sir, well played.
Err… Pritchard is always in our thoughts!
The Company, in the midst of a general disaster in the Tomb of Song, did extract from the bodies of dead (and undead) adventurers two magic weapons: A magic mace (traded in part for Martin's restoration) and a magic sword. The sword has been watched by Martin on the boat's "character sheet". I think we id'd this as a lowly +1 sword, but it probably clarifies our thinking about the items retrieved from the bandits this week: Unless the sword from the bandits is revealed to be very powerful, The One True Zanzibar (now combat proven) has a +1 weapon of his very own waiting for him under Martin's watchful eye.
edit: Thanks, LoBo, for so carefully maintaining the list of shared treasure from those adventures.