G147: Releasing the Succubus
Date: 9 Nov 2012
PCs: Richard, Ja'Tubis, Snickwick, Roland, Pritchard
DM: Quendalon
- Mazenod's Watch
- Talking rats
- Snickwick's machine vandalized
- Onesiphore's Tower
- Gold coins under debris are a rattle-trap
- Jean Dore, a wizard goblin hermit who wants books and pork
- Pritchard: "I don't have any books or pork on me right now."
- Into the dungeon
- Learning bout the Featherhead goblins (Jean Dore) and the Blackfingers (the House goblins of the Ambrevilles)
- Richard grabbed by a gargoyle, Ja'Tubis saves him with a fear spell
- A wight and zombie attack
- the Fungus Gardens of Li-Feng
- Attacked by ghouls
- The mysterious Sara, who is revealed to be a devil summoned by Mandor
- discovering the personal correspondence of Roche d/Ambreville, no a mindless corpse puppet in Sara's control
- The party is vexed by a secret door with a slim, arched gap cut in the stone waist high.
- Pritchard says: "We shouldn't fall into the trap of thinking that everything new that we find is something old that we knew."
Casualties and Treasure
For enemies defeated, each PC received 235xp. Each PC received 1,100gp in treasure, split with henchmen as appropriate. Ehric the Cleric is now properly level 2.
Prev: Chagahn Undead
Next: The Demise of Richard Loubeau
page revision: 3, last edited: 19 Nov 2012 23:30